Coronavirus Update
During this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, Metcut and CTL are more focused than ever on fulfilling two objectives: protecting the health and safety of our employees & their families and meeting the commitments we have made to our customers. To achieve the first objective, we have enhanced cleaning and hygiene efforts within our facilities, and we are modifying work schedules and internal activities to minimize personal contact and assist in complying with social distancing requirements.
Metcut and CTL will remain in operation, with our hours being as close to normal as possible. Most of our customers meet the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) determination of “Essential Critical Infrastructure” sectors and, therefore, we also are included in the “Essential Businesses and Operations” category. We will redouble our communication efforts to ensure that each customer has timely and accurate information on the status of their programs.
Our employees entrust their health, safety, & livelihoods to Metcut and CTL, and our customers count on us to handle their most critical test programs. We take both responsibilities with equal seriousness, particularly in the current environment.
Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope for your continued good health.